Utmost Designs

Utmost Designs

207 Old Charity Hill
Elizabethton 37643
423) 213-5259

When we build your website, we automatically optimize your pages for search engines. This includes well-written titles and headings, site structure, quality code, meta tags, keywording, tagging, and more. However, our site promotion service goes beyond the normal SEO by actually going out to the most popular search engines, web directories, social bookmarking, social networking, etc., and submitting your site by hand to ensure a quality listing.

Search Engines:

* Google
o Google AdWords
o Google AdSense
o Google Business Directory
o Google Maps
* Yahoo!
* Altavista
* Windows Live!
* AllTheWeb
* 4search
* Mamma
* Overture
* GoodSearch
* Looksmart
* AboutUs
* Domain Tools
* …and more.

Web Directories:

* Yahoo!
* Open Directory
* Google
* …and more.

Social Bookmarking:

* Digg
* Del.icio.us
* Technorati
* StumbleUpon
* fURL
* …and more.

Social Networking:

* Facebook
* Multiply
* MySpace
* Xanga
* …and more.

If you would like us to promote a site that we build for you, we are glad to do that. There are many promotion services that we can use to do this for free. It is best to time these submissions so as not to spam the search engines, because they frown on that. It must be advised that search engine submission usually takes 2-3 weeks to take effect, due to the sheer number of requests received.

Notice: If you want us to try to increase your odds on the search engines, this will involve fees. Once again, these are not our fees. We at Utmost Designs would like to recommend that you find more lucrative means of popularizing your site. We have found that networking with sites of similar interest or market, general small ad exposure, and word-of-mouth are the most effective ways to build traffic. From there your growth will prove to be exponential. It is a slow and steady process, but effective over time. The best part is that it is essentially free (other than your time).
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